Logo Tampil Lalu Layar Hitam

Ini adalah kerusakan dengan gejala yang tidak tampak seperti kegagalan harddisk sama sekali. Tapi masalahnya teratasi setelah mengganti hard drive.

Gejala nya adalah Ketika tekan pada tombol power, laptop dijalankan seperti biasa dan logo muncul di layar. Setelah beberapa saat logo menghilang dan layar berubah hitam tanpa gambar samar dan kursor berkedip. Lampu biru di sekitar tombol power tetap hidup dan fan terus berputar normal, tetapi tidak ada yang muncul di layar. LED HDD akan berkedip hijau di startup dan setelah itu tidak ada aktivitas sama sekali.

Setelah pemeriksaan lebih dekat ditemui bahwa layar tidak sepenuhnya hitam (seperti mati), tidak memiliki gambar tetapi memiliki latar yang sangat samar.

Berikut adalah langkah-langkah untuk menemukan masalah.

Pertama-tama, coba ganti modul memori.

Lepas wireless. masih memiliki masalah yang sama.
Setelah itu coba melepas harddisk. Kali ini Notebook berhasil melewati layar logo dan mulai mencari perangkat boot.
Ada beberapa aktivitas di layar. Untuk memastikan bahwa notebook itu sendiri berfungsi dengan baik, coba boot dari live CD dan berhasil dimuat sistem operasi Linux untuk desktop. Jadi, itu masalah hard drive!

Akhirnya instal hard drive baru, reimaged drive dengan DVD dan laptop kembali berjalan.

Free Software for Newbies and Web Developers

great satisfaction knowing that you can do this stuff.

Zip Utility

HTML Editor

FTP Software

Screen Shot Software

Zip Utility

You just gotta have a zip utility if you intend to spend time on the Internet. I use Winzip for all my zipping and unzipping needs. It is fast and easy to use. If you would like to check out other zip utilities, go to download.com and do a search.

HTML Editor

To build web pages and eBooks, you'll need some kind of HTML editor. I use 1st Page 2000 for all my HTML editing. It is 100% Free for ever with all features working. This page and web site is being built with this editor.

After the editor is installed, you'll need some web pages to study. Search Google with the key words "free web page template". Don't worry, I just did it. Here is the search results.

Quick Lesson:

All I did to begin learning was to simply open up these templates and study the code from within the editor and try to relate it to what I could see on the actual web page. For example, here is a shot of code from within the HTML editor:

This is a screenshot of some code from this web page. Study the code and relate it to what you see on this page. The red and blue codes are commands which create a hyperlink and cause the link to open in a new browser window.

Take it easy. Learn one command at a time. It won't be long before you get some web pages happening.

When you are ready to learn some more commands, go to HTML Goodies for a good range of Free tutorials.

FTP Software

To transfer your web site to the Internet, you'll need an FTP program. Go to download.com to find several Free FTP programs available for download. I like WS_FTP because it is fast to learn and easy to use. Another popular program is CuteFTP.

Screen Shot Software

To capture images from your computer screen, you'll need a program that will cut the image quickly and easily. I use a freeware program called SRip32. No installation is required and it is very user friendly.

You can also do a search at Google for even more free screen capture software programs.