Internet Marketer

This post is probably going to piss alot of people off. But hopefully I’ll be able to get my words across in a way that explains my true feelings on the subject, which aren’t bitter, but frustrating that so many bloggers don’t understand.

This post wasn’t written to call anyone out or criticize anyone. My goal here is to actually help some people expand their business by bringing it outside of the “blogosphere.” Not long ago I wrote a blog post stating that my blog is extremely profitable and important, but it brings in very little direct income.

Unfortunately there are MANY bloggers out there who’s main goal in this business is to bring in a solid income solely through blogging.

Is it possible? Absolutely. Darren Rowse does it, although I’m sure ProBlogger isn’t his only income. And many more make a very nice income from their blog.

But there are MANY more who run highly successful blogs, which bring in only a small portion of their overall direct income.

There are far too many bloggers out there who think Internet Marketing is all about blogging. The truth is that blogs are very powerful, but very rarely bring in alot of direct income. They bring in loads of indirect income, they help brand people and their business, they provide a “hub” for those businesses and all Internet Marketers should own one. But there is so much more out there and isolating yourself within the “blogosphere” is leaving alot of money on the table!

So here’s your call to action - Keep posting solid info to your blog. Keep building your blog. But don’t rely solely on your blog to create that lifestyle you’ve been dreaming of!

Just because a product is for sale doesn’t mean it’s bad. Just because a product is sold through a long sales letter doesn’t mean it’s a bad product. Just because people are making money by selling products doesn’t mean they’re con artists.

Be a good consumer and be smart about your purchases.

If you don’t want to create a product become efficient in PPC. If you don’t want to me a SEM be a writer… build a list and start building your business.

Don’t worry about what others are doing! If you don’t like it ignore it! If they’re scamming people they’ll get what’s coming to them. If they’re honest they’ll make more money!

You don’t have to be one of those sleazy marketers to make money, but don’t make the mistake so many others make by isolating yourself to the blogosphere. Be a good MARKETER and market!!

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